Airship Norge is stationary in the Hangar of Gatchchina, a town located in the Leningrad Oblast.
Gattschina is a large and sturdy airship hangar, where the NORGE is now safely housed. The Soviets proves to be extremely punctual in respecting all the agreements made for the stop. The welcome to the flyers is absolutely cordial.
The arrival of the NORGE has considerable public significance in the USSR. In the following days, Nobile and the others – starting with Amundsen’s right-hand man, Riiser Larsen – begin to alternate preparation for the next flight with various scientific meetings organized by the most prestigious research institutes in the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, even during maintenance on the airship, a large crowd gathers around the hangar. Under the strict control of the military police, school groups, students, workers, peasants, ordinary people of all ages line up to be able to observe the airship up close.